Aug 10, 2024

1) Waking Up

This past week I revisited a book I read some time ago: Awareness by Anthony de Mello. The teaching of "waking up" is a central theme to the book, in the most practical sense.

It emphasizes the importance of becoming truly aware and conscious, rather than sleepwalking through life in a state of unawareness.

Most people are trapped in a state of "unaware consciousness", constantly reacting to conditioning and illusions rather than perceiving reality directly.

Rather than interpreting reality as it is, we interpret it as we want it to be.

In a sense, it's near impossible to have a total objective view of reality because in some way our own paradigms and subjective views imprint themselves onto it. Therefore, what really matters is whether or not you have the capacity to question what you believe, perceive, and think to be true.

The process of waking up involves unlearning these conditioned beliefs and behaviors. As de Mello says, "That's what spirituality is all about, you know: unlearning."

It's strange to find that in our youths we're born and programmed by our loved ones, relationships, and environment. Where in our adulthoods we find ourselves unlearning the faulty logic, beliefs, and other notions in order to grow into individuals who can accomplish the goals we desire.

I love this view on spirituality because it's very practical for anyone—being spiritual or not. Anyone can pass through life, though few can unlearn what they hold dearly.