Aug 17, 2024

1) Programming Your Matrix

Have you ever noticed how when you're thinking about buying something specific, suddenly you start seeing it everywhere?

This isn't a coincidence—it's your Reticular Activating System (RAS) at work.

Whether it's a desire occupying your mental bandwidth, a lyric from a song, a negative thought, or anything. What occupies your mind tends to get noticed in the world.

The RAS is like your brain's personal "matrix," filtering information and shaping your reality based on what you focus on.

When you consistently direct your attention towards certain goals or ideas, your RAS goes to work, bringing more of those things into your awareness.

It can work IN your favor or AGAINST it.

The key is to program your RAS intentionally. By visualizing your goals, repeating affirmations, and consistently focusing on what you want, you're essentially reprogramming your matrix to work in your favor. It's not about denying reality, but rather about training your brain to notice opportunities and resources that align with your objectives.

Remember, your RAS doesn't distinguish between positive and negative focus. If you constantly worry about failure, guess what? You'll start noticing more reasons to be anxious. On the flip hand, if you prime yourself to look for success and opportunities, that's precisely what you'll find more of.

I spoke about being intentional with your focus in a previous newsletter, where if you think you're lucky, coincidentally, you'll spot more opportunities to prove it.