June 22, 2024

Fundamentally, if where you are is not where you truly desire to be in life, it is because of a flaw in how you’ve designed your own life.

Face it.


A) You do not know what you want

B) You’ve not taken the time to consciously design one you’d want

We’re all humans, I get it.

We may be busy with obligations, school, family, or simply put, life just gets in the way.

At some point though, after “waking up” from living on autopilot, it really comes to a matter of deciding whether your current circumstance is really something you’re willing to tolerate or not.

My earliest initiative of this was after I quit my second “real job” at a Chinese restaurant as a host.

I was miserable, depressed, and just wanted out. Finally, after some contemplation and enough willpower, I pulled the plug on that job and quit.